Little Home in Ohio

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Finding Your Inner Peace During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Did you ever think you would witness something like this in your lifetime? A pandemic like this? I certainly never did. And I have been feeling ALL the emotions. Fear, stress, anxiety, the list could go on. But there’s something else I’ve been feeling that completely surprised me. And that is the feeling of “enough”. 

We’ve been inside for four days now and I am so surprised at this feeling of inner peace. Look at all the wonderful things I have. For once, I don’t feel that need to buy more. To get something that someone else has. I have enough. In fact, I have more than enough. And it’s a magically peaceful feeling.

On top of feeling that I have enough, I also feel so grateful for all my things. Look at these blankets that I’ve had since college. They remind me of all the adventures I went on with my roommates. Look at these two loving cats. Have you ever met more cuddly animals in your life? I haven’t.

And look at this 3-year-old playing quietly while I work. She is using her brilliant imagination. She is happy. She is loved. She has gotten so much more of me since I’ve been stuck inside since the weekend. And I see her growing and learning every hour.

So take a deep breath with me. And exhale slowly. And admit that there are things going on right now that you cannot control. But you CAN control your inner peace. Take a look around and embrace everything you see.

You have wonderful things and wonderful people. This time will pass and you will get through this. Inhale, exhale, and find the joy in everything around you.